We have compiled the most important information and answers to the most frequently asked questions to help you quickly and easily. However, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How many printers can be operated with one cara Print Cockpit software?
As many as you want.
How do I receive my extra cara Print Cockpit license, if I have purchased it?
Create a service ticket and upload invoice (proof of purchase). License will be sent via e-mail. At least one printer must have already been registered upfront. Find your contact.
How do I get access to the cara Print Cockpit software?
The latest software installer can be downloaded on Kulzer's support hub (always latest version available).
What are the technical requirements for cara Print Cockpit?
Windows 7/8/10/11 (64-bit), at least 16 GB RAM. Detailed requirements are available in the cara Print Cockpit user guide
Is there a license fee for cara Print cockpit?
No, one free lifetime licence is included in the printer's price.
Will I receive an information if updates for cara Print Cockpit or the printer firmware are available?
Yes, for print parameters updates and updates of the complete cara Print Cockpit software an information will be visible in the software, if the computer is online. Kulzer's support will inform you by email if firmware updates are available. Firmware updates must be downloaded from the Support Hub and then installed as explained in Kulzer's video tutorials.
How many PCs can be used simultaneously with one license?
One PC per license. A license can be migrated to other PCs three times (only if it was activated "online" & deactivated on the previously used PC). Please see the cara Print Cockpit user guide for more information on license activation.
Is it possible to cut objects in the Tango slicer?
There are limited options to modify 3D data in the Tango slicer. Tango was primarily designed for nesting. It is preferable to modify 3D data in a dedicated CAD software.
What happens with my cara Print Cockpit license if the PC breaks down?
If a PC with an activated license broke down and hence is unusable, please contact Kulzer's support.
How do I receive my extra cara Print Cockpit license, if I have purchased it?
Create a service ticket and upload invoice (proof of purchase). License will be sent via e-mail. At least one printer must have already been registered upfront.
How will I know the best way to set the support structures?
For the validated dima Print materials supports are pre-set by Kulzer. It is possible but not recommended to change them.
Can a license be activated several times, if it was initially activated "offline"?
No, licenses that were initially activated "offline" can only be activated once and cannot be migrated to other PCs. Please see the cara Print Cockpit user guide for more information on license activation.
Which types of 3D files are needed to create a print job?
Common 3D files as e.g. .stl, .ply, .obj are needed. Kulzer recommends and validated the use of .stl files.
Is re-calibration required at any time?
Re-calibration of the build table's position is only required if the user has changed the LCD panel or the build platform. The process is described and shown in the printer IfU and in training videos.
Can I release the USB drive once the print job has started?
Yes, after having started the print job successfully, the USB drive can be released.
Does the protection foil have to remain on the LCD panel?
Yes, it has to remain in position since it protects the screen from dirt and scratches.
Can the printer be transported on the side?
The printer should always be transported & stored in upright position as indicated with symbols on the transport box. Do not tilt the printer to prevent damage to the z-axis.
May I use more than one build platform at a time with one printer?
We recommend using always using just one build platform with one printer. Otherwise it would be necessary to calibrate the z-axis after each single change of the build platform. This might lead to issues and wear.
When do I have to perform the "Clean resin tank" print job?
Whenever a failed print has happened a "Clean resin tank" print job is recommended to avoid that fallen parts or residues remain in the resin tank.
How much storage space does the cara Print Cube have? How many print jobs can be saved?
There is no total number of how many print jobs can be saved. This depends on the file size of each print job and thus can vary. The total storage space is 16 GB. A 1 GB partition is reserved for print jobs.
Is it necessary to calibrate the cara Print Cube after transport?
Checking and possibly adjusting the z-axis is mandatory.
What is the minimum resin volume needed for a print job?
This depends on the resin used and the indication. See the "dima Print Parameter Matrix" for more information for dima Print resins.
How often do air filters have to be changed?
Air filters should be changed as needed. It is recommended to change them latest every 6 months.
Is the cara Print Cube printer plug and play?
Kulzer provides extensive information to enable a plug-and -play installation. Normally it should not be necessary to be assisted by Technical Advisors.
Where do I get suitable disposable filters from?
It is not allowed to reuse disposable filters. They must be disposed after use. A set of disposable filters (mesh number 100 (mesh size 150 µm)) comes with the cara Print Cube printer. Kulzer does not offer these filters as a wear part. It is suggested to purchase such filters on common online market platforms.
Specifications: 150 µm ≤ mesh size ≤ 180 µm
Can I buy protection foils for the LCD panel as spare part?
Please check Kulzer's pricelist for prices and availability of wear parts. Protection foils are included in the Release Film Kit. They are not available separately.
How much is a resin tank/release film?
Please check Kulzer's price list.
What do I need to do when the printer does not automatically show up in the print manager in cara Print Cockpit, although it is connected to the same network?
Manually search the printer IP as shown in the printer settings.
Cleaning System
Is pre-and post cleaning needed?
Yes, it is necessary to follow the instructions in the User Guide and the resin IfUs. Additional information can be found on the Support Hub.
How can I clean dies and small parts if they are no longer attached to the build table?
We recommend cleaning objects while still attached to the build table. If small parts or dies have to be cleaned separately, cleaning the objects inside a "tea-strainer" or similar smaller meshes made from stainless steel may be helpful to avoid small pieces falling through the grid and blocking the rotor.
Light Curing for 3D print
Can I use other post curing devices?
Required post curing conditions and validated post curing devices can be found in the respective material IfU.
I already have the Hilite Power 3D. Do I have to buy the LEDCure?
Required post curing conditions and validated post curing devices can be found in the respective material IfU.
Other Topics
Which CAD-Software is recommended?
All CAD softwares can be used as long as a suitable output file (.stl is preferred) can be created
How do I get technical support?
Check the country-specific contact information which are shown in the printer's IfU or on the Support Hub.