Minimal invasive monochromatic aesthetic reconstruction of the upper incisors with Venus Pearl BLEACH (Dr Azadeh Balalaie).
Aesthetic reconstruction of crowded teeth in the upper and lower front with Venus Pearl LIGHT & Venus Color (Dr Henrik Hjelte).
Cervical reconstruction in the upper front with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr Henrik Hjelte).
Aesthetic monochromatic reconstruction of teeth 11, 21 and 22 with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr Henrik Hjelte).
Class IV restoration at tooth 21 with Venus Pearl MEDIUM following a dental accident (Dr Patrik Bargiel, Sweden).
Restoration of carious lesion at tooth 36 with Venus Bulk Flow ONE & Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr Patrik Bargiel, Sweden).
Replacement of the old composite filling on the upper left central incisor with Ivory Rubber Dam, iBOND Universal, Venus Pearl LIGHT & Venus Supra (Dr Laura Mokhtari).
Class IV restoration at tooth 11 after fracture and cosmetic correction at tooth 12 with Ivory Rubber Dam, iBOND Universal, Venus Pearl LIGHT & Venus Supra (Dr Dimple Desai, USA).
Direct veneering of teeth 12 to 22 with Venus Pearl MEDIUM (Dr Dimple Desai; USA).
Direct restoration of teeth 11 and 21 after incisal edge fractures in monochromatic layering with Venus Pearl MEDIUM (Dr Alvaro Gusmara, Italy).
Diastema closure at teeth 12 mesial and 22 mesial after orthodontic treatment with Venus Pearl LIGHT & Venus Supra (Dr Janine Schweppe, Germany).
Direct restoration of fractured tooth 12 in monochromatic layering with Venus Diamond DARK (Dr Álvarez Rodríguez, Spain).
Restoration of two central incisors (teeth 11 and 21) using Venus Pearl MEDIUM composite in monochromatic layering (Dr Riccardo Baratto, Italy).
Correct anatomical and aesthetical reconstruction of tooth 12 with Venus Diamond MEDIUM (Dr Gianluca D'Oria, Italy).
Class IV restoration at tooth 31 with Venus Pearl MEDIUM (Dr Barelli Corbo, Federico, Italy).
Class IV restoration at tooth 21 with Venus Pearl MEDIUM (Dr Pianticella Corinne, Italy).
Replacement of insufficient restorations and anatomical correction in the anterior (13 to 23) with Venus Diamond LIGHT (Dr Álvarez Rodríguez, Spain).
Direct repair of fractured 10-year-old composite veneer at tooth 21 with Venus Diamond DARK (Dr Álvarez Rodríguez, Spain).
Reconstruction of tooth abrasion in the lower anterior region with Venus Pearl MEDIUM (Dr Francesco Lerda, Italy).
Replacement of an insufficient amalgam restoration with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr Siddarth Gupta, UK).
Replacement of an insufficient restoration at tooth 11 (tooth 21 was restored with a lithium disilicate crown) with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr Vincenzo Vitale, Italy).
Aesthetic reconstruction of anterior teeth with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr Alicia Serra, Spain).
Direct gap closure in the lower front with Venus Pearl MEDIUM (Dr Alicia Serra, Spain).
Aesthetic reconcstruction of the upper front teeth with Venus Pearl MEDIUM (Dr Alicia Serra, Spain).
Aesthetic reconstruction of fractured teeth 11 and 21 with Venus Pearl BLEACH (Dr Alícia Serra, Spain).
Replacement of insufficient old filling on first molar with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr Siddarth Gupta, UK).
Replacement of insufficient amalgam restoration with secondary caries in second premolar with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr Siddarth Gupta, UK).
Direct morphological restoration of the upper anterior teeth with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr Alessandro Conti, Italy).
Replacement of an old discoloured filling at the lateral incisor with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr Vincenzo Vitale, Italy).
Replacement of an insufficient restoration at tooth 11 (tooth 21 was restored with a lithium disilicate crown) with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr Vincenzo Vitale, Italy).
Aesthetic reconstruction of anterior teeth with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr. Alicia Serra from Spain).
Reconstruction of carious lesions teeth 36 and 37 with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr. Filippo Del Curto, Italy).
Restoration of occlusal caries lesion in second molar with Venus Pearl LIGHT (Dr Daniel Çaga, UK).
Restoration of strongly damaged anterior teeth with Venus Pearl MEDIUM (Dr Fraser Tait, UK).
Aesthetic improvement of anterior teeth in elderly patient within a remarkably short time with Venus Pearl DARK (Dr Lucy Flanaghan, UK).
Aesthetic reconstruction of fractured teeth 11 and 21 with Venus Pearl BLEACH (Dr Alícia Serra, Spain).
Good to know
The Pure code: achieving aesthetic excellence with just 4 shades.
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