Dear customers,
After a turbulent 2020 for everyone, also for the dental sector, a year of stabilization followed in 2021 that showed us in the dental world the consequence of the pandemic on oral health – Dr Gerhard Konrad Seeberger, former President of FDI World Dental Federation, calls it “a dental disaster”: The pandemic leads to worse oral health, which dental professionals are now confronted with. We at Kulzer see how dental professionals all around the world continued to be there for their patients during the pandemic and are now working harder than ever. You gave us the chance to support you in maintaining your patients’ oral health (those that came to see you) and thereby improving their overall health status. Thank you for your effort for society and your trust in our products!
Following the new virus variant Omicron, many countries put major precautious measures in place, also Germany. At Kulzer, we continue to uphold strict safety precautions that often exceed the governmental regulations – which helps us to keep a safe working environment where no infections are being transmitted in the workplace; so far. And although our suppliers are struggling with delivering the raw materials on time, we are able, until now, to produce at full capacity. Together with our logistics partners, we are delivering all ordered goods, without limitations.
Even though the pandemic will continue to preoccupy all of us, I am positive that this year 2022 also has great opportunities in store. We as your Kulzer team are ‘all in’ to make this year YOUR year. We are here to support you in your success and provide you with all solutions you need to make your patients smile and make a positive impact on their health.
Together, let’s make 2022 your year.
Yours sincerely,
Marc Berendes
Manager Corporate Communications
Bettina Link