Lisa Geis has been a Kulzer E-Learning Specialist in the Training & Education department at Headquarts in Hanau since 2017. But in fact, she was already part of the company once in 2013 as a student assistant during her studies in education. An internship followed two years later and finally she started her career at Kulzer. Here she tells us how she got started at Kulzer after her internship, what helped her to master her job entry and full-time studies at the same time, and what opportunities an internship offers.
What path led you to Kulzer and in which area did you start?
During my bachelor's degree in education, I completed an internship in Human Resources and People and Organisational Development (POD) at Kulzer in 2015. The internship reinforced what was clear to me early on in my studies and why I chose to major in Adult Education: I am interested in the topics of continuing education, didactics, and learning. The great thing was that I was a full-fledged team member in the POD department right from the start and was able to contribute.
The leap into a permanent position: How did you get your current job as an E-Learning Specialist?
After my internship, I was in regular contact with dear colleagues from POD and HR, who contacted me in 2017 when my current position was advertised. At the time, I was in the middle of my Master's degree and not really looking for a job. But when I looked at the job advertisement, I immediately realised that this is what I would like to do after my studies and I was already convinced of Kulzer as an employer. Then everything happened very quickly and a brief time later I was accepted for the job. For me, this experience shows what opportunities can be found in such an internship and how you are perceived as an intern – namely also as a potential new employee.
What helped you to balance the challenge of studying and working at the same time?
Thanks to free time management of my work to attend seminars and lectures, Kulzer made it possible for me to complete my full-time Master's degree while starting my career. A big advantage of my direct entry: I wrote my Master's thesis in 2020 in cooperation with Kulzer and was thus able to conduct my data collection in the company, for example.
What is the advantage of joining Kulzer through an internship?
A big advantage is that you are already familiar with many things. Thanks to the internship, I already knew the corporate culture and many colleagues before I started my career in 2017, so I was already relatively well connected in the company right at the beginning.
That's why you would apply to Kulzer again at any time:
I would apply to Kulzer again at any time because I enjoy my work. I like working conceptually and at the same time being creative and being able to try out and develop new things. I also really appreciate that Kulzer values strength-based development; in the development dialogue with my Manager, I look at where I can deepen my strengths and contribute even more. At Kulzer, I also have a modern workplace that, in addition to full flexibility, also allows me to work in a hybrid way in the long term, which will certainly make it easier for me to reconcile family and career in the coming years.
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